What is Occasion? What Does It Mean in the Real Estate Field? We explained the term, which is generally noticeable in buying, selling and renting, to those who do not know.

The word Okasiyon has become a term that is used a lot, especially in real estate. We will briefly explain to you the term Okasyon, which can be used in all real estate areas for rent and sale.

The term, which was previously used only by companies such as Remax in our country, is now used by most real estate agents and real estate companies. Okasiyon is a word that literally means more affordable than its value, which is called bargain. 

What is Occasion ? What Does It Mean in the Real Estate Field?

The term Okasiyon has become a frequently used term, especially in the real estate sector. This term, which was first used by some companies such as Remax, has now been adopted by many real estate agents and real estate companies. The term Okasiyon can be used for all real estate for rent and sale and generally means that it is more affordable than its value, which is considered a bargain.

In the real estate industry, the term occupancy indicates that a property is sold or rented at a price lower than its market value. This term is often used to emphasize an advantageous opportunity. A property that is considered an opportunity is usually offered by individuals or institutions that want to quickly evaluate or dispose of it. In this case, the seller or lessee seeks a faster transaction and therefore sets a price below the normal market price.

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